Distributor Portal & Integrated Shipping
The Distributor Portal is an extension to BeerRun’s built-in sales functionality. It enables your third-party distributors to place their orders online through a user-friendly E-store:
- Simple 2-button web interface
- Enable your distributors to place orders
- Use a browser on your PC or your iPad, iPhone or Android
- Governed by the rules you set
- Distributors can edit their own orders until confirmed
- Receive automated notifications when order is:
- Received
- Edited
- Confirmed
- Shipped
- Invoiced
- View history of orders and invoices
- Reduce busy work and clerical overhead
- Eliminate confusion, emails, faxes and phone calls
Give your Distributors great flexibility without burdening your sales staff with change requests. You get forecasting from the people who know: Distributors in the field.
- Automated emails notify you when an order is received and when it is confirmed
- Distributors can look up their order and invoice history; and continue to modify pending orders
- You set the rules for quantity, who can order what, and ship dates
- Place/remove credit hold
- Add images for merchandise (e.g. tap handles, t-shirts)
- Edit scripts for auto-notifications
- View pending orders
- Edit orders
- Confirm orders (which flow into Production Planning); allocate to batches in production and ship with a single click
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How does the Distributor Portal differ from the Sales module?
It is the difference between an Amazon-style shopping cart and maintaining in-house staff to answer the phone, receive faxes and emails, enter data into BeerRun and send emails. The Distributor Portal enables you to grow without adding employees.
2. What does the Distributor Portal give my customers that the Sales module does not?
- Control
- Ability to place an order and keep modifying it till the last minute, enabling them to plan ahead and share their plan with you
- Images of merchandise
- Customer-specific price lists
3. What does the Distributor Portal give me that the Sales Module does not?
- Forecasts from the horse’s mouth: they share their plans knowing they can change it
- Avoid email blasts to update price lists
- Credit holds so customers cannot place new orders until they’ve made payment
- Make visible those beers that a particular distributor is eligible to buy
- Hide products that you want people to stop ordering
4. Do I need to give all my customers access to the Distributor Portal?
No. Only high-volume distributors where the 80:20 rule applies (i.e. those 20% of your customers who buy 80% of your product). They fly first class — without your adding white-gloved butlers!
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